
Audio Data Collection

LindeSpes helps to collect audio data sets that match your requirements for speaker profile, subject matter, and background sounds. We help provide voice data in a variety of languages for your varied use including multilingual AI systems.

Any subject. Any scenario.

We offer end-to-end speech data collection solutions to ensure your voice-enabled technology is ready for a diverse and multilingual audience.

We can take on any scope of project; from building a natural language corpus, to managing in-field data collection, transcription, and semantic analysis.


High-quality audio data

High-quality speech data on an easy-access data management platform

Any audio requirements

Enjoy 100% flexibility with acoustic and scenario setup. From inside a car to a dinner party; you name it, we’ll set it up.

Any demographic

Collect data in 35+ languages: we gather voice data locally and abroad; small scale or with hundreds of participants

Ready to start collecting audio data?